VetBoard – Equine / Canine / Feline Endocrine III – Closed

VetBoardEquine / Canine / Feline Endocrine III
Date Date Sunday 19, Nov
Time Time 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location Location 2895 Davie Rd, Davie, FL 33314
(Dunkin Donuts)
Speaker Speaker Prof. MVZ Renato Ordonez

Welcome to Module III of Endocrinology, in VetBoard Success, where we will finish studying and discussing the most important Endocrine diseases in Dogs and Cats and we will also study with a special focus the most common endocrine pathologies in Equines.

We will address conditions such as equine Cushing’s syndrome, insulin resistance, and other disorders.

Get ready to explore these topics in depth in our session, and don’t forget your questions for the interactive session at the end

See you on Sunday !




