VetBoard - Module III Integumentary

VetBoard – Module III Integumentary – Closed

VetBoardModule II Integumentary
Date Date Sunday 18, Feb
Time Time 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM
Location Location 2895 Davie Rd, Davie,
FL 33314 (Dunkin Donuts)
Speaker Speaker Prof. MVZ Renato Ordoñez

In the VetBoard Module III Integumentary in classes, we will address neoplasms such as Mastocytomas, Sarcomas and Carcinomas. These tumors, derived from different cells, require in-depth understanding for effective diagnosis and treatment. We will explore biology, distinctive characteristics and therapeutic options. We will highlight the importance of prevention and early diagnosis. Participate to strengthen your capacity in veterinary practice. Prepare for an immersion in knowledge that will boost your skills in veterinary medicine.



VetBoard – Module III Integumentary - Class



